Benefits Of Adding Roving Security To Your Commercial Property

Security is essential in many situations, and the more layers of protection you have, the more secure your property is in most cases. Commercial properties often need security in many different places, and covering the entire property with cameras or a couple of security officers may not be enough. Adding a roving securing patrol to the property can have significant benefits that can pay off over time. Roving Security A security patrol that moves around your commercial property in a vehicle or on foot can offer some benefits that static control points do not have. [Read More]

Upgrade Your Commercial Windows To Protect Your Property And Your Employees

Do you have a storefront or an office building with lots of windows at ground level or within easy reach of people outside the structure? If you have just standard windows that are not built with building security in mind, you could be putting your building, your property, and your employees at risk to the weather or to something more sinister. Here's why you might want to contact a local window company or security professional about upgrading your company's commercial windows today. [Read More]

Why Should You Invest in a GPS Vehicle Tracking System? 4 Benefits They Offer

Today, a significant percentage of car owners have a global positioning system (GPS) in their cars. However, some people associate GPS tracking with commercial vehicles, which is not right because it is also important for private car owners. Different vehicle trackers are available in the market, so you should work closely with an expert to get a suitable system. Below are four benefits of installing a GPS vehicle tracking system.  [Read More]

Learn More About Stun Guns As Forms Of Protection

If you like the idea of having protection on you that can help to keep you safe but that isn't considered to be a deadly weapon, then you might want to think about getting a stun gun. A lot of people who don't feel comfortable carrying a gun opt to carry a stun gun. You can learn some things about stun guns and their advantages here.  Stun guns are easy to handle  [Read More]