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Learn More About Stun Guns As Forms Of Protection

If you like the idea of having protection on you that can help to keep you safe but that isn't considered to be a deadly weapon, then you might want to think about getting a stun gun. A lot of people who don't feel comfortable carrying a gun opt to carry a stun gun. You can learn some things about stun guns and their advantages here. 

Stun guns are easy to handle 

One of the great things about stun guns is that they are easy to carry and easy to handle. They can come small enough to fit into a coat pocket and are usually designed to feel comfortable in your hand. They are also easy to fit in most purses and other bags. They also have a button that is easy for you to find and press should you find yourself in the position of needing to use it, so you don't end up frantically fumbling around trying to locate a button when you are panicking and in need of immediate defense. 

To use your stun gun, point it toward your attacker and press it into them while you press the button. It's important for you to know that you don't have to touch the prongs on the end that stuns to their bare skin in order for it to work. You can press it against their clothing and it will still stun them. The person you stun will fall to the ground and it will take them more than a few moments to recover, so you should have the time you need to flee the area and get to safety. 

Stun guns can have additional features

There are a number of different features that stun guns can have that can add to their convenience in some way. One example is an attached wrist band that makes it easier for you to carry your stun gun with you. Many of them will have a grip that is shaped with indents where your fingers will naturally fit, making it easier and more comfortable for you to hold onto the stun gun. 

There are many stun guns that are designed with the charging prongs in them. You can pull out the prongs and put the prongs right into the wall to charge the stun gun. This cuts out the risk of you losing the charger and not having a charged stun gun if you need it. Another fantastic feature of some stun guns is that they double as flashlights. This gives you a bright flashlight to help you see at night, and if you suddenly need protection, it is already right in your hand. Plus, the flashlight will make it even easier for you to see your assailant.

Contact a company that sells products like a 15 million volt stun gun flashlight to learn more.
