Updating Your Home Security

3 Great Benefits Of Unarmed Security Guard Services

If you are a business owner or someone who has invested in a commercial space, then there is little doubt you will want to hire security in order to protect your property. The first image that comes to mind when people think of security guards often involves someone who is armed, usually with a small firearm. However, many security guard services do not require guards to be armed in any capacity. Despite this, there are a number of reasons why unarmed security guard services can benefit businesses and properties; take a look at some of the biggest reasons below.

Huge Savings

While, of course, safety is the top priority of any business owner or property manager, the bottom line shouldn't be ignored either. In virtually all instances, an armed security guard will come at a premium. This isn't surprising, since armed security guards are trained in the use of their firearm and have taken on the expenses of that training, as well as licensing and other related costs. Unarmed security guards, on the other hand, can be hired at a small fraction of the hourly rate. If your business does not deal with valuables and is not in an area deemed to be a high risk of violent crime, you can take advantage of the potential for huge savings by hiring an unarmed security guard.


One of the main arguments for armed security guards outside of high-risk areas is their effectiveness in deterring crime. While is undoubtedly true, it is also true that unarmed security guards are just as effective. The mere presence of a security guard at a site is likely to scare away any criminals thinking of committing vandalism or theft; they almost certainly won't spend the time and energy to figure out whether or not the guard is armed.

Customer Comfort

Unless your business or property is located in a state in which it is normal to see individuals openly carrying firearms, then you should consider the very likely possibility that many customers or visitors to your business may feel uncomfortable being around an armed guard. In fact, one of the most unexpected effects of hiring an armed guard may be that customers and visitors actually feel less safe because of a very obvious security presence. If you want to guarantee that all customers feel comfortable, consider hiring an unarmed security guard. 

For more information, visit a security company, like https://security-unlimited.com/.
