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The Importance Of Fire Watches

Maintaining a safe and secure area is always wanted, especially in areas where fires are known to crop up. Whether you are out in a state park or just out in your own backyard, being aware of the fire watch and the conditions surrounding it is something that should always be remembered.

What is a fire watch, and why should it matter to you?

The fire watch is a group of people who are dedicated to ensuring that conditions are maintained in such a way to make sure that no fires are started, and on the off chance that they are, the fire is reported right away.

While many people can perform their own fire watch on their own property, there are many other instances where such a thing is not always possible. This is often the case with large commercial properties, farms, and state parks. In order to ensure that these properties are kept safe, a group of people are employed to watch the conditions around and monitor the property for signs of fire. This is especially key when there are drought seasons and temperatures rise.

Fire watches will also typically put out mass warnings, and may help the fire department decide when a burn ban should be in effect. A burn ban is exactly what it sounds like: a ban on lighting fires, for fear that they will not be able to be kept in control.


The consequences of not adhering to these rules and regulations put in place by the fire watch and fire department are harsh in more ways than one. Not only could you end up losing the property that you have, but there is a potential for the fire to spread out of control and end up hurting other people, either by physically burning them or by damaging their property. Should the fact that you didn't keep a closer eye on your property cause other people damage, you are the one who would be liable.

So, if you live in an area fraught with dry spells or common droughts, you may want to consider employing a fire watch company. This will help to ensure that you do not cause damage to your own property, or someone else's, and ensure that should the worst happen and you do end up harming someone else's property, you have done all you can in order protect yourself legally. 
