Updating Your Home Security

Home Security Starts With The Door: 4 Tips For Making Your Doors Safer

Your home is your safe haven: a place for relaxation, peace, and enjoyment. In order to feel truly safe and secure in your sanctuary, you need to implement a home security plan. If you do not know where to start, consider starting with your doors. These entry and exit points are the first step in securing your home. So if you are looking to improve your home security and beef up your doors, utilize these four tips:

1. Opt for Windowless Doors

Doors with windows may be beautiful, but they are less secure. If the window is located near your door locks, someone could easily break the window and gain access to your home. If possible, try to find a door that does not have a window. However, if you find a door that has a window and you absolutely must have it, make it safer. Opt for reinforced glass or add bars—which can be decorative—to prevent intrusions. You might also consider adding a second lock located away from the window, just in case.

2. Install Deadbolts

A door is only as strong as its weakest lock. Even if you have a sturdy steel door, someone could break in by picking the lock. For ultimate safety, you should install secondary locks on all doors that lead to the outside. While any lock will help improve safety, a deadbolt is one of the best options—it is affordable and secure. Just make sure you choose a deadbolt from a reputable company.

3. Secure Sliding Doors

Sliding glass doors are beautiful and convenient, but they also pose a security risk. Large doors made of glass are easy to break, and that makes them a target for thieves. If you have glass sliding doors in your home, make sure they are made from reinforced glass so that they are harder to break. You might also want to use a wooden dowel in the door track to prevent the door from being opened from the outside. Additionally, keep the doors locked and install curtains so that prying eyes cannot see inside when you aren't home—or when you are sleeping.

4. Install Peepholes

Finally, consider installing peepholes in all doors that lead to the outside. Peepholes can help keep your home secure, while still providing a means of seeing outside. Simply look through the glass anytime someone knocks; and decide whether you will open the door to them.

Improving your home security starts with the doors. Use these tips, along with a home security system, to help keep your home and your family safer. For more information on security, visit Blue Line Security LLC.
