Updating Your Home Security

3 Ways To Keep Your Safe Looking And Working Like New

No matter what you store in your safe, and no matter where your safe is located, you'll want to keep the safe looking like new. After all, it's not just what is inside that you want protected. If you neglect or put off the maintenance that a safe requires, your valuables will either be more vulnerable to prying hands or harder to access for those who are actually authorized. Take a look below at three easy things that you can do to keep your safe looking and performing like new.

Dirt Removal

Over time, dirt, dust and other particles will settle on the outside of the safe. While this doesn't affect the performance of the safe, it can make the safe look like it was bought at an antique sale. To make your safe an aesthetically pleasing addition to any room, simply wipe down the exterior of the safe once a month with a non-abrasive cloth. Using a soft cloth is important to avoid minor scratches and noticeable wear. If you go too long without cleaning the outside of the safe, dirt and dust will collect in multiple layers, and it will prove much harder to remove.

Oiling Bolts

Bolts are the backbone of any safe, new or old, and so it's important to make sure that they function properly. However, unlike the exterior of the safe, bolt maintenance can't be accomplished by a simple once-over with a cloth. The most effective way to ensure that the safe bolts work well is to regularly oil the bolts with grease. Once a year, apply a small amount of grease around the bolt, lubricating it completely. This will stop the bolt from sticking in the lock and preventing the owner access.


Though most safe owners might already be aware of the need to dust the outside of the safe and oil the bolts, many don't consider what could be the biggest culprit of safe depreciation--humidity. Even in climates that are not very humid, the amount of moisture that collects over time inside a safe can ruin a great deal of valuables. Consider purchasing a dehumidifier made specifically for safes to keep the interior temperature and humidity at a constant level. Doing this ensures that not only are your belongings kept in pristine condition, but that the safe itself doesn't fall victim to mold, mildew or other common side effects of humidity. For more tips on safe maintenance, click here.
