Updating Your Home Security

Ideal Home-Automation Products to Make You Feel More Secure

A traditional home security system can reduce your risk of break-ins, thus making you feel secure whether you're at home or away. However, if you consult a security company that offers a wide range of home-automation products, you can protect your family and your property in a number of tech-savvy ways. Also known as "smart" products, these products can offer a combination of security and convenience. Here are some ideal home-automation products to consider for your home.

Smart Doorbells

Whether you're sitting on the couch watching a movie or are in bed reading, hearing the doorbell ring can make you feel a little on edge, especially after hours. You might feel tentative about walking all the way to the front door to look out the peephole. With a smart doorbell as part of your automated home, you won't have to make this trek. Many smart doorbells feature a video camera that can be connected to an app on your smartphone or tablet. This means that all you'll need to do is quickly load the app, and you'll get a clear shot of who is standing outside your home. Some smart doorbells even feature speakers that you can use to communicate with your visitor.

Smart Exterior Cameras

The average security camera mounted outside your home can be helpful, but getting a smart version of this security feature is even more advantageous. Smart exterior cameras can be controlled from your device or from a control panel mounted inside your home. This will allow you to pan left and right, pan up and down, and even zoom in. If you're concerned about something that is going on outside your home and don't want to go to a window to look, your smart security camera can provide you with answers.

Smart Locks

You might feel vulnerable if you come home late at night only to stand outside your home as you try to find your house keys in the dark. You won't have this concern if you talk to your security company about the installation of a smart lock. Many smart locks can be linked with your smartphone. This means that as soon as the lock's sensor identifies the presence of your smartphone, the lock will unlock the door because it will know you're wanting to get inside. If you're the type of person who often loses your house keys, a smart lock takes away the panic of losing your keys and worrying that someone will be able to gain access to your home.

Talk to a company such as Vintage Security to learn more about your options. 
